General Site Help   

General Information

  • The application automatically times out after 30 minutes of inactivity; you will have to log back on.
  • If you save an AHI EDI Project page as a Favorite, you will still need to logon before getting to the page when you use the Favorite link.

Security Features

  • The website enforces password complexity requirements;  The password should start with alpha characters, be a minimum of 8 characters long, at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number and 1 special character.
  • User passwords will expire every 180 days.  The website will require users rotate passwords (Cannot be the same as last 3 passwords).
  • Administrators can reset but not view passwords.  Users are required to select a new password on first use.


  • Do not use the browser's Back or Forward buttons. Use the buttons and menu options provided in the application to navigate.
  • Browser back button navigation has been disabled.Browser navigation constraint
  • Navigation menus are available on every page (except the Logon page) and appear below the page title.
  • The Home page gives users another method to access the most popular areas of the website.
  • A “My Status” menu is available to provide quick navigation to pending data processing activities.
  • Moving the mouse over a menu name, such as Search, causes the related menu options to display below it (exception: Home and Logoff do not have additional options). Click an option to select it.
  • If you select a menu option while in the middle of a process (for example, changing demographic information), you will go to the page selected and the process that you were in the middle of is cancelled.
  • The availability of menu options is dependent on your system privileges set up by the administrator.

Screen Assistance

  • Required fields are shaded light yellow.  For example:
Sample Shaded Area
  • When an item such as products, cross reference or AHN numbers in the system is inactivated it will be highlighted in red on the list pages.
  • Certain buttons and fields display or don't display based on your system privileges. Also, there are instances where you may have the proper privileges but there is no associated data available; therefore, the button displays but it is grayed out.
  • Hover help (also known as ToolTips) is available on select fields. Moving the mouse over a field displays a pop-up description of the field.

Entering Data

  • You can enter text data in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed.  In certain cases your entered data is converted and stored in the database as uppercase.
  • You can press the Tab key on your keyboard to move from entry field to entry field on a page (or you can click in the fields with the mouse).
  • Wildcard searches are supported within the system.  The percent sign '%' placed in front of a search value will generate a list which has the entered data ANYWHERE within the field. For example: Entering %ABC in the Name field will return a list which contains items like ABC Animal and BABCOCK HILLS VET.  NOTE: Searches which use the percent sign take longer to perform.

Viewing and Sorting Tables

  • You can sort tables (lists) by clicking the different column headings. The column heading that appears in the different shade of blue indicates the current "sort by" column.
  • Clicking a column heading more than once switches between an ascending (Arrow) and descending (Arrow) sort order.
  • You have the ability to move columns to different positions within the data grid you are viewing.

Error Messages

  • Error messages display at the top of the page (under the menu bar). Messages are one of three types:

Information  Information: Condition exists on the page that you need to be aware of.

Warning  Warning: Condition exists on the page that could be a problem and may need correction or special consideration.

Error  Error: Condition exists on the page that must be corrected in order to proceed.


Help Desk Contact Information

The Help Desk can assist you with:

  • Technical issues when using the project web site
  • Questions about processes and procedures
  • Data issues

Phone: (833) 496-0649


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